
D&G – 30 Years of D&G

Project Details

Title: D&G – 30 Years of D&G Year: 2017 Location: Napoli

MarianoLight Luminarie has been selected by the famous stylists to create the scenegraphy of many and very exclusive events that took place in Naples at the beginning of July to celebrate the 30th anniversary of D&G brand. Attendees 400 selected guests; very proud to light up this unforgettable moment!
The celebration involved all Naples with many events and special parties along the streets of the town ending in Bagni Elena. Haute Couture fashion show and an exclusive party in Borgo Marinari; the Pop Up Store Dolce & Gabbana at the Rari Nantes Club; the D&G final party at Bagni Elena, “dressed” for the occasion with a festival of colours and lights by MarianoLight: a dance party with the theme “Mambo Italiano”.
Last year Portofino, now Naples is the setting of their baroque style!


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